Friday 31 January 2020

Budget 2020 Speech LIVE Updates: This is a Budget to Boost Spending Power, Says Nirmala Sitharaman Amid Hopes of Income Tax Relief
Union Budget 2020 Speech LIVE Updates: Narendra Modi government is likely to offer some income tax relief or change in income tax slab when Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman reads her Budget 2020 speech in Parliament. The budget time is 11am.

from Top Business News-
The Budget Booster on Cards for Capital Gains on Property, Equity to Revive Real Estate Sector
The Narendra Modi government may introduce heavy duty measures for rationalization of key equity taxes, including scrapping capital gains on sale of property and extending the timeline of long term capital gains tax from the current 12 months to 24 months.

from Top Business News-

Thursday 30 January 2020

SSC Junior Hindi Translator (JHT) 2019-20 Paper-2 on 16th Feb: Check Preparation Tips & Strategy

SSC JHT Preparation Strategy: In this article, we are going to provide you some important preparation tips and strategy that will definitely help you in clearing the SSC Junior Hindi Translator (JHT) 2019 Exam. SSC JHT Exam consists of two papers, i.e., Paper-I (Computer Based Mode) and Paper-II (Descriptive).

from Jagran Josh

Wednesday 29 January 2020