Monday, 17 July 2023

CBSE Class 9 MCQs of History Chapter 5 - Pastoralists in the Modern World

Pastoralists in the Modern World: Chapter 5 of Class 9 NCERT History - The article presents a thought-provoking set of 15 multiple-choice questions, delving into Chapter 5 "Pastoralists in the Modern World" from Class 9 History NCERT. Exploring the lives of traditional pastoral nomadic communities, the MCQs cover their dependence on animal husbandry, seasonal migrations, and challenges faced amidst modernization. The decline of traditional pastoralism due to encroachment on grazing lands and the impact of government policies on their livelihood are also examined. From the Maasai in East Africa to the Bakarwal in the Himalayas, this condensed assessment provides valuable insights into the rich diversity and struggles of pastoralist communities worldwide.

from Jagran Josh

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